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Wicket typesafe helps to generate wicket-ids in a type safe way.

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Wicket typesafe helps to generate wicket-ids in a type safe way. So it helps to solve the refactoring problem when using PropertyModel or CompoundPropertyModel.


Currently it can be used to construct refactor safe property expressions.

For example, using wicket-typesafe module the following code that depends on strings:

Person person = new Person();
IModel<Person> personModel=Model.of(person);
add(new Label(""));

can be replaced with the following:

Person person = new Person();
IModel<Person> personModel=Model.of(person);
add(new Label(id(of(Person.class).getStreet().getName())));

although the code is a more verbose then its string alternative it will generate a compile time error should any properties change instead of failing at runtime like its more concise string alternative.

The module can generate ids and supports:


Add the following dependencies into your pom.xml


Building MetaGen from source

Just use maven: mvn install